Quality D.I. Box Request

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Quality D.I. Box Request

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum, but not new to the idea of DIY Guitar bits and pieces.

I was wondering if anyone on here has successfully cloned any high-End D.I. Boxes, similar to EDEN WTDI, Huges & Kettner Red Box, Radial Engineering J48, sansamp Bass Driver etc...

I've had a good look on here, but can't seem to find anything?

I'm looking for something to add to my recording setup.

Maybe The easiest route would be to add a balanced Line-out to one of the other pre-amp designs already on here? Maybe a mod board that can be included in any design?

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Re: Quality D.I. Box Request

Use the search box at the top of this page. Type in "DI" - there are several DI circuits available in the forum.
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Re: Quality D.I. Box Request

In reply to this post by mrskaguitar