Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

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Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Hi all,
I just finished building the Lovepedal Kalamazoo and although it sounds great, I am not noticing a whole lot of change in the volume other than some change in the tonal characteristics. It just seems to get a bit brighter when turn up.
If their is a volume jump it is rather insignificant.
Would swapping the volume pot (100k lin) for a 10k lin be worth trying. I mention a 10k because that is what is used in the Amp 11 circuit, which I have built and it works perfectly.
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Why not try it? That's the big advantage of using vero layouts with wired pots over fabbed pcb's with pcb mounted pots. You have such great freedom to experiment as everything is easy to desolder.

Unless of course you're asking because you do not have a 10K pot at the ready and you're asking to make sure if its worth it to order one extra. In that case you can NEVER have to many spare pots lying about. They always come in handy at some point.
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

In reply to this post by GuitarGas
If you use a lower value pot it reduces the output impedance, which may actually be a good thing, but it will mean that it may not react with following pedals like an original would.  As Muadzin said, sometimes it's just a case of trying it and seeing what you think of the results, but these circuits aren't set in stone and this sort of tweaking will often result in something which sounds better to your own ears, particularly when it comes to the values within filters which will help shape the frequency response to your own preference.
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Ok, thanks guys. I will give it a go and order some from Tayda and shelve the pedal until they get here. I wonder why the volume isnt working as it should though? I might just swap the 100k pot for another of the same value first, seeing as I have some spares and just see if the pot is faulty first.
Thanks again for your help!
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

M. Spencer
Might it help to solder In a 10k fixed resistor instead of the pot to see if that would fix your volume issue? That resistor would act like a 10k pot maxed at full tilt.
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Good call, I will definitely try that.

Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Feb 2015, at 6:48 am, "M. Spencer [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Might it help to solder In a 10k fixed resistor instead of the pot to see if that would fix your volume issue? That resistor would act like a 10k pot maxed at full tilt.

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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Before swapping components, check your circuit.  There should definitely be some change in volume and unless the volume pot is bad I would suspect something else.  Can you post a picture of your build?
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

Hi Frank, here is a pic of the board before I started the offboard wiring.

I will take another pic later and post with it all wired up to the pots.
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Re: Question about Swapping Pots for different Values

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Frank your  a legend, it was the ground from vol 1 that I overlooked.
I was sure I had checked and double checked everything but your comment made me re-check and it was blatently obvious once I saw it.
Here is a pic of the newly added ground wire, she is now working a treat.