Question about voltage regulation and compressors

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Question about voltage regulation and compressors

I built a Bear Hug compressor and posted about debugging on here when it didn't fire up right away. A fella mentioned in a reply that when I do get it working that I should probably run it off a nine volt battery because it is pretty sensitive to current and voltage fluctuations. Is there a solution to regulating voltage and current with a voltage regulator? Am I way off base?

I would run it off a nine volt but it is stuffed in a box with a Big Muff and there is just no room for it. The BMP sounds great but the compressor spits and farts. Maybe I don't have the circuit worked out yet. Although it sounds pretty nice when tested with a nine volt.
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Re: Question about voltage regulation and compressors

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Re: Question about voltage regulation and compressors

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You say it works well with a battery, but spits with an adapter. Is the adapter regulated? That's what I would try first. If you don't have a regulated adapter, it's easy to use a cheap, unregulated 12V DC adapter, a 7809 or 78L09, and a few caps to get a steady, noise-free, regulated 9V.  Let me know if you need more guidance with that.

Other than that, I recommend asking your question on DIYSB. The designer of the circuit is very active over there and will probably be glad to help.
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Re: Question about voltage regulation and compressors

Thanks for the reply. I'll head over to DIYSB and see what i can dig up. I might be back for some help with a regulated power supply though. By the way Induction, thanks for the help getting this compressor to work the first time through.
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Re: Question about voltage regulation and compressors

In reply to this post by bernierunns
My pleasure.