Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs

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Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs

Sensei Tim
Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs:

How to you get really clean drill holes?

I have a small bench too drill press and i can't seem to get clean holes on the non copper side. It always let oks like the last one or two layers in the fr4 start to delaminate and I get this pale ring around the hole.

Any tips?  Is this my drill bit that isnt sharp enough?  Crappy copper clad? Drill speed not fast enough?

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Re: Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs

Sensei Tim

This is an example of what I'm talking about
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Re: Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs

Are you using a "spoil board" of any kind?

You might find this video helpful

Around 4:30 is when she starts talking about bits
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Re: Question for those of you who etch your own PCBs

Sensei Tim
No and now I feel like an idiot for forgetting something so basic and obvious ;)

Will give it a try and report back.