Question on a Feedback Loop

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Question on a Feedback Loop

Posted this on Reddit and got no answer. So I was checking out the 'Sasquatch' Fuzz by Tortuga Effects and he's got a 'freakout' switch which he says is a feedback loop built in with it's own footswitch/pot/LED

That inspired me to want to add one to my fuzz since I need to rebuild my RM Axis fuzz anyway (first build lol. What a mess!), so I wanted to do the same thing. I researched around and only found one that Beavis Audio did that was a true bypass looper with a feedback loop built in (this seems to be the common practice). Can be found here if you scroll down a little

So I came up with this wiring

It's a little messy (first time using a program) and I think the LEDs are backwards. The 3PDT, board and jacks are the same as the offboard wiring found here. The DPDT on the right would engage/disengage the loop.

So I guess my question is whether it would work or not? Logically I think it would, but I'm not entirely sure. Has anyone built anything like this before?
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Re: Question on a Feedback Loop

First of all, I know nothing about the Sasquatch Fuzz, but you may be talking about two different animals here.

#1. The Beavis "feedback loop" is a stand alone loop pedal, with a pot to mix in some of the return signal, and add it back into the send. I've built one, and it works. Basically it's the Death By Audio Total Sonic Annihilation pedal.

#2. The Sasquatch probably features a Z Vex Fuzz Factory type "loop" - basically a "circuit bend", where you take the signal from the emitter of a transistor, and feed some of it (hence the pot), back onto the collecter of a transistor earlier in the signal chain. The idea is to produce mad oscillations.

You can add this to many fuzz pedals, for example a Big Muff - Google is your friend here.
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Re: Question on a Feedback Loop

Yeah I once made a Big Muff with a switchable feedback loop. I also made the feedback loop switchable between a pot control and an external LDR so you could do some theremin like pitch stuff as well as interesting modulation with a strobe light. It was a sick pedal!
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Re: Question on a Feedback Loop

In reply to this post by Beaker
Huh. Just looked up circuit bending. Seems like a pretty cool thing to explore (and waste a lot of time doing! hehe). I'm not entirely sure, based on listening to the FF and various pedals going through a feedback looper, which one the Sasquatch is (some pedals through a feedback loop produced very similar sounds to the FF).

I think it would probably be in my best interest to build the Beavis one and test out how the RM Axis I already have built sounds to see if I like it and then breadboard the circuit and test different places to create a circuit bend since according to a few dedicated sites, creating a loop at different points can cause drastically different results. Maybe I can even use a push/pull to change between two different bends. Might turn out to be pretty awesome.

But basically, if I wanted to integrate the Beavis-style one into an existing pedal, the wiring diagram I drew would work, right?