Questions about changing the sweep of pots

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Questions about changing the sweep of pots

Mike B.
I've seen various posts over time where someone adds a resistor to a pot to change how it reacts (like when Miro tweaked the Orange Squeezer), but I've never really understood how to implement that on builds.  For example, if I have a build with an external bias control that's a 10K pot, but the first and last quarter of the sweep is not useful, or a gain pot that's 100K but only really controls the dirt in the last 1/4 or 1/3 of the pot, how can I change the response of the pot to make it control the useful part of the sweep by adding a resistor or two?  
Hopefully that makes sense.
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Re: Questions about changing the sweep of pots

Still very much a noob myself so unable to properly answer your question, but hopefully this should help.

The Secret Life Of Pots