R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Addy Bart
I think you're right actually, Gilbert. Looking forward to seeing if we can get closer to the gain in that YouTube clip (just as soon as one of us gets a spare moment!)
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

In reply to this post by Addy Bart
Yes I also think that you need to make the 68k higher. Also check if your pot is wired correctly, if you change the lugs you get a different gain sweep probably.

This is an awesome circuit to mod by the way. Adding reverb pregain is easily done by adding a similar gain control to the opamp before the reverb.. Also adding clipping diodes gives you different kinds of drive.
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

KT wrote
Yes I also think that you need to make the 68k higher. Also check if your pot is wired correctly, if you change the lugs you get a different gain sweep probably.
The altitude knobs are correctly wired. I always thought that a linear pot would work better in this scenario though.
I was going to say that maybe a higher value pot would work better here, but being a 1M, making that 68k resistor higher is the only thing we can try here.
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Addy Bart
Small Bear used to do B2M pots but looks like they've sold out. Maybe there's a seller on eBay...
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Addy Bart
I finally tried a 2M linear pot for the gain and I'm getting that fuzzy goodness :-) If you can't find pots for that value, try increasing the 68k resistor.
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Aah, so it works! Thanks for confirming this one!

I've boxed up mine already, and am currently busy with some other builds, but it's good to know that it works anyway. :)

A friend was interested in buying my reverberation machine, but I offered to build one for him. And I'm probably (if he wants me to) going to put 2 extra pots on the enclosure: one for the gain of the dark circuit and one for the brightness of the other.
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Addy Bart
I tinkered around with the dry path a bit more... Try socketing the 22k resistor. I found using 100k worked well. With my gain pot (2M linear) fully clockwise I get a nice fuzz.
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Re: R1 value in Reverberation Machine + how to kill the dry signal?

Addy Bart
Actually, forget changing the gain pot and the 68k resistor that follows. The 1M pot works fine. After playing around with the 22k resistor, I settled on 47k - it gives me a nice fuzz but with the blend fully CW it still becomes very wet.