ROG Ginger.

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ROG Ginger.

Hi guys. Here is a request that I'm sure the members here would appreciate. The Runoff Groove Ginger.
I have built a couple on PCB and it is a beauty. Although it's an Ampeg bass amp emulator pedal, it also works amazingly well on guitar.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

Silver Blues
Ah yes, this would be a nice addition. I second the notion.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: ROG Ginger.

Chris H
Yes please, would love to see this one.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

In reply to this post by Beaker
Yes please!
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Re: ROG Ginger.

I agree. Currently, I can't find any ROG Ginger vero layouts out there. There's the perfboard layout:
 but as you can see, it's HUGE. A guy over on TalkBass did a vero layout for his build of it and it has made me so eager!
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Re: ROG Ginger.

yep. that would be me. it's a great sounding pedal. ROG's flipster is another great one if you use two 2N5457's in the first two gain stages.

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Re: ROG Ginger.

John, I don't suppose you have a layout drawn up for either one, do you?
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Re: ROG Ginger.

Chris H
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Re: ROG Ginger.

In reply to this post by Beaker
ME WANT!!!.... (ahem) veroboard please. Thanx
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Re: ROG Ginger.

In reply to this post by insomniac2295
johnk - those look awesome... howdidja get that finish on the boxes... looks like a tinted laquer over raw box... Do tell!
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Re: ROG Ginger.

All the stuff he does looks awesome.  Have you seen his basses?  I want one of the Rick 325 ones
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Re: ROG Ginger.

No... where do I go to see the basses... now I'm curious
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Re: ROG Ginger.


All his stuff is on there.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

This post was updated on .
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Re: ROG Ginger.

Chris H
Many thanks Johnk, I will be building this as soon as I get the chance.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

John, any chance you could repost the layout for Ginger and add the flipster? I saw them on your site and they sound fantastic, would love to add them to my arsenal.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

If you want I've uploaded a layout for the Ginger in the Contributions section.
I've done it a while ago but I never found the time to build it.
Not as tight as John's layouts but it should be working.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

Thanks albru. I was looking around johns site, listening to some of the tons of od's he's built and really impressed with this and the flipster. It may not be as tight as it could be, but sometimes its nice to have a little extra room.
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Re: ROG Ginger.

albru you are a star. Thank you VERY much!
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Re: ROG Ginger.

I'm glad you like it.
I've been drawing them for myself and I prefer some space for large components.
I may also have the Flipster but I need to find it because I must have put it in a wrong folder.
I hope it works!