ROG tonemender HiWatt tonestack version

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ROG tonemender HiWatt tonestack version

Hi. Is anyone able and skilled here to create a Hi Watt tone stack version of ROG tonemender? The original is great (been using it with BSIAB2) but the hiwatt beats Vox/fender/Marshall tonestack, as you know... Cheers! Piotr
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Re: ROG tonemender HiWatt tonestack version

Already done.
Look at the verified/utility boxes section.
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Re: ROG tonemender HiWatt tonestack version

Many THANKS!!! 

28.10.2017 23:37 "traktop [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]> napisał(a):
Already done.
Look at the verified/utility section.

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