Maybe this has been proposed before...
A comment on a recent thread about what someone who is new to the DIY scene should build (using veroboard) prompted me think if there was a way you could add a button to the blog entries here to permit some sort of survey for those who build the given effect . The survey could allow entering a "score" (e.g. 1=bad, 10=good) for several categories, such as:
(1) Building difficulty (easy to impossible)
(2) Functionality (does the effect and its controls do what they should e.g. the tone control on an overdrive may not have much sweep prompting a low score)
(3) Sound quality (subjective but folks could give their opinion based on their style of music)
You could also provide for some user comments like "It took a while to dial this in, but in the end it sounded great."
With enough entries, one could then search for the easiest builds that sounded good, or just ones with high sound quality scores.
Anyhow some food for thought on a Friday...