Ranking the Effects

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Ranking the Effects

Maybe this has been proposed before...

A comment on a recent thread about what someone who is new to the DIY scene should build (using veroboard) prompted me think if there was a way you could add a button to the blog entries here to permit some sort of survey for those who build the given effect .  The survey could allow entering a "score" (e.g. 1=bad, 10=good) for several categories, such as:

(1) Building difficulty (easy to impossible)
(2) Functionality (does the effect and its controls do what they should e.g. the tone control on an overdrive may not have much sweep prompting a low score)
(3) Sound quality (subjective but folks could give their opinion based on their style of music)

You could also provide for some user comments like "It took a while to dial this in, but in the end it sounded great."

With enough entries, one could then search for the easiest builds that sounded good, or just ones with high sound quality scores.

Anyhow some food for thought on a Friday...

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Re: Ranking the Effects

I like that idea frank, would have made my life a little easier then just jumping in and doing a muff the first build. . And I'm not just saying that because I'm having a couple of beers at the moment waiting for George Clinton and P-Funk to come out on stage. Im getting funked up. . Yearly tradition I see him every year when he comes around, I wait all year.
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Re: Ranking the Effects

Silver Blues
Hey, I did a Muff for my second build and it turned out fine.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Ranking the Effects

Fight! Fight!  Fight!

er.. I mean Funk!  Funk!  Funk!
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Re: Ranking the Effects

silver, mine turned out fine, but was a bit more to bite off then i would have thought. would have been smarter to start of with something a little smaller, like an electra based pedal or Si fuzzface. i think i might have understood more about what i was doing and how the circuit works earlier on then i did. but, i wouldn't change a damn thing, i mean if you're going to jump in might as well do it with both feet. that, and i did need some debugging help, which helped me better understand a lot, but i think it could have gone the opposite way, causing me to not get into building pedals. i think as long as you're not trying to tackle something like a mutron, orpheus, or similar giant pedal, you should be good.

btw, 3am, i just got home from the show. aint no party like a p-funk party, cause a p-funk party don't stop......

now i got to wake up tomorrow for another show, going to see Earthless a neo-psychedelic band. then i have to recover that night, get up early and go to a wedding. i think i need to better plan my events......
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Re: Ranking the Effects

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
I lost my virginity to a Meathead and I still lover her to this day......
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Re: Ranking the Effects

vince that's just sounds so wrong, and yet so right. i guess i'm not better, i lost my virginity to a big muff, and still play with her every day.
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Re: Ranking the Effects

Haha... I can never say big muff without a smirk.
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Re: Ranking the Effects

Which reminds me. Never put a big muff and swollen pickle together. I did once and I'm still recovering from the results.
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Re: Ranking the Effects

Always use protection.

Get an isolated power supply!