Re: Can't Bias fuzzface (Solved)

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Re: Can't Bias fuzzface (Solved)

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I built a fuzzface using the creepyfingers fuzzface, removed the 8k2 resistor which was replaced by a b20k pot, and sent into the BMP tonestack 2/LPB-1 booster from the site but I can't get it to bias correctly. I originally had it all on 1 board, but I couldn't get any output, so I have 2 board now which corrected that problem, but now it won't bias properly. At any setting, even 8.2k it's just super gated and really nasty sounding.I've changed transistors, checked the pinouts but they're right. What can I do to get the bias right, or could there be something else wrong?
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Re: Can't Bias fuzzface (Solved)

Fixed the problem. I had a C1M pot fall into my C1K pot section, and didn't realize I it was wrong. If anyone has a similar issue, make sure the fuzz pot is C1K otherwise the whole circuit doesn't work right.