Re: EM Drive & Paramount help!

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Re: EM Drive & Paramount help!


Thank you for your input.  I will try the trim pot option. For paramount, it's not the pot issue, it's rather unclean break up sound... like a nasty crackle.. that is not broken up enough... idk.
When I push into paramount, drive sounds nice, but with itself at low gain, slight gain causes a crackle.

2014. 12. 11. 오후 5:53에 "rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]>님이 작성:
well the EM Drive is probably due to the other transistors not biasing properly. you can solve it 1 of 2 ways. 1, replace the bias resistor with a trimmer and adjust until it sounds good or 2 leave the transistor in that makes it sound good. the caps have nothing to do with the bias of the transistor.

the paramount could be the taper of the gain pot. are you sure you're using a linear pot, not log or anti-log? if you do have a linear pot in it, try swapping it for a different taper to see if you like it better or try a different pot, maybe the one you have is bad.

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