Reagun chorus

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Reagun chorus

Recently acquired the Reagun stereo chorus pedal, however can't tell if it works yet as have no appropriate power supply. Thats on order, but was wondering if anybody had any interest in making this on vero. I am quite happy to take it apart and take photos and values of components if you think its worth it. Seemingly this was Michael Hedges favourite chorus pedal. Any interest?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Reagun chorus

Yes!  We all like to see pedal guts.    It would be interesting to see what ICs were used.
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Re: Reagun chorus

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Re: Reagun chorus

Ok, will take it apart at the weekend and take some photos and try and read all the values.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Reagun chorus

Ok, here goes. First the picture of the circuit.

The green wire goes to the input jack and the yellow and white go to the two outputs. The red wire at the bottom goes to +9v. There don't seem to be any ground wires connected to these.

Here is the component side with with all the values written on. The diodes are unknown but i suspect these are 4148s.

The pink wire goes to lug 1, the yellow to lug 2 and green to lug 3 of a B100k which is the depth pot. The white wire goes to lug 2 and the blue wire to lug 3 of a C1M which is the speed pot (lug 1 unconnected).

The strange thick grey wire goes to the footswitch with another wire from the same cable also contacting the input jack

I will leave the enclosure open for a bit in case you have any more questions.

Realised i have missed a resistor value. Bottom right resistor next to the .022 cap is 4k7.

I have most of the components for this except the MN3009s which i have ordered so if a vero is made i will have a go at veryifying when the 3009s come in.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Reagun chorus

Got the power adapter for this today so put it back together and it works wahay! I only have my behringer ultra chorus to compare it to but its so much better even only having two pots to mess with. Definitely worth a vero build if anyone fancies, however going be big with all them standing resistors. I am still up for trying out a clone, i'm sure many friends may be after this one. Would add a youtube clip but can't find one. May add a soundcloud link in a bit if i can muster some reasonable guitar playing.
"Red velvet lines the black box"