Recent Comments section

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Recent Comments section

Lazy Swamis
Is anyone else seeing the name of each effect in the "Recent Comments" section of the main page as numbers?
It used to show the name of the effect, but now on my phone and computer it just shows a number, which I suppose is related to the address in the blog.
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Re: Recent Comments section

Silver Blues
Yeah, same here. I've been seeing that for a long time now, I thought perhaps it was some sort of site issue, like the old search bar not working.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Recent Comments section

I agree. I've noticed it shortly after the search bar issue. I'm not sure if it's still being looked into.
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Re: Recent Comments section

same here, i type the name of the effect as an introduction of the post, in order to make it a bit easier.
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Re: Recent Comments section

Yes, it's just been showing long meaningless numbers for ages now - ever since the Search bar went kaputt.

IMO it's a right pain. When it showed the name of the circuit, you could esily see if it was one you were working on or were interested in building, and had been commented on or updated. Now the comments are effectively meaningless as you do not know what they relate to unless you click on them to find out.

I for one find that very frustrating.
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Re: Recent Comments section

Lazy Swamis
I've learned as much from the comments section as anywhere else on the site. I will read the comments of certain folks no matter what effect it is related to but mostly I only have time for the projects that I am currently working on.
I do appreciate the effort of the more knowledgeable people to educate the rest of us.
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Re: Recent Comments section

Silver Blues
Also, what's happened to the avatars and favorites buttons on the forum index pages?
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Recent Comments section

Ciaran Haslett
Recent comments gone on the fritz again? Total Pageviews too it seems.  Makes following multiple posts a bit of a pain when not actually subscribing to them.  Maybe it's time to look at a few other recent comments widgets?

I'm on a mac running 10.11.6 and Safari if that matters.  It also doesn't load on my iPhone either though.
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Re: Recent Comments section

Total views and search bar are working fine for me (Firefox on Windows) but the recent comments isn't showing anything.  I'll have a look at the blogspot widgets section and see if something has changed
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Re: Recent Comments section

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
Check out the recent comments now and let me know if you can see them ok
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Re: Recent Comments section

Ciaran Haslett
Yip...that did it...and the post topic is visible again (instead of numbers).  Great job hi!
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Re: Recent Comments section

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by IvIark
Actually, now clicking on the comment doesn't take you there on the particular thread.  Bit of a nightmare on long comment strings
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Re: Recent Comments section

I'll see if there is one that adds the anchor in the link
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Re: Recent Comments section

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
If you click on the posters name it goes to the post
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Re: Recent Comments section

Ciaran Haslett
Oops...that used it it throwing up a Google + bio I didn't even try.  Cheers Mark.  It's great seeing the topic title again
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Re: Recent Comments section

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
sorry guys...i'm losing it here...!!!
for the last 4 years i'm visiting this blog everyday.
and every single time i was seeing numbers in the recent comments at the main page!!!
every single one!
i thought that those numbers were something i should live with!
and now you're telling me that you were all seeing the names all this time???!!!!
i can see them now but...all this time??come on!!!!!!
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Re: Recent Comments section

I never saw any numbers - I don't even know what the others are referring to...