Recognise these diodes?

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Recognise these diodes?

Got some nice vintage components off ebay but a couple of diodes i don't recognise or can't read the writing on. The first one is a large glass Ge type diode with a white and brown stripe. It has some very faint red writing on the glass but i can't read it with my magnifying glass.

The second one is a black diode with a red spot with a slightly smaller green spot above it and on the opposite side a small blue line.

And also i had to put this picture of a GEX 34 on here as its a thing of beauty and almost looks handmade. Seemingly uses platinum/iridium wire.

Also i received two UL1262 chips. All info i found on it seems to be in polish or something. Does anyone know what i could use them for.
"Red velvet lines the black box"