Recommended Simple Splitter?

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Recommended Simple Splitter?

My aim is to send my guitar signal into a splitter of some sort, one signal going into effects & amp; the other signal going directly into my recording console.

Any recommendations for the simplest way to do this while maintaining signal integrity would be most appreciated...!
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Re: Recommended Simple Splitter?

you could try an AMZ 2 channel splitter & the active DI box from the contribution section of the forum.
the splitter is here
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Re: Recommended Simple Splitter?

Neil mcNasty
Yes! The AMZ Splitter is highly recommended and can handle 18v for more headroom as well.
It's my no.1 choice for such tasks, and it can easily be expanded for as many channels you like.
I built myself a 3 way split with mute switches for each channel + a Tuner out channel.
Will add a DI-box as well in the future...
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Re: Recommended Simple Splitter?

In reply to this post by GeGhostRider
I've always used Stephen's buffered splitter from the BYOC forum, which is basically an op amp AMZ buffer that generalguitargadgets also sells, only with different resistor values.

I think GGG uses 2M2 instead of 10M.