Recommended test pedal for Ge components

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Recommended test pedal for Ge components

I've been wondering what you guys recommend for a good pedal to test Ge transistors and diodes

I've been using a Lotus Snow Job for diodes, but that only does hard clipping - what about clipping in the feedback loop - is there a reasonably transparent circuit that will let the flavour of the different Ge's show through?

Also I was thinking in the Ge Giant that Rocket and Beaker worked on but not sure whether the diodes will add too much?

But then should I just simply stick with the FF and TB?
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

I know beeker tested a bunch of diodes in the ge giant, and I can tell you that I tested a huge amount in it too. I could hear a lot of differences between each diode I put in, even with the different d9's, but beaker didn't hear a big difference. I didn't try different transistor since I don't have a bunch of different npn, but I use a Rangemaster, and fuzzface to try different ge transistors. Even with  the boost I could hear the way each broke up, and the subtlies in each, and the fuzzface gave a good idea of each in a fuzz. I won't think a tonebender would be good too.
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

In reply to this post by dbat69
At the time I worked on the Germanium Giant I only had a couple of different D9s - D9V and D9K, and some D311, so could not do a thorough meaningful comparison. I could hear a difference, but to my knackered old ears, it was not significant - just subtle changes to bass and treble content, or differences in breakup. Yes though, I think a Snowjob  or a Germaium Giant would make a good test bed for generalised comparison.

In the last couple of days however, I have been tinkering with Anders' layout for the Conrad Buzz box - the difference between different diodes was like night and day - but that thing is a filth monster.

In short I think it totally depends on the circuit, so my advice would be just socket every build that specs Ge diodes, then try everything you have got. Your favourite in one circuit, might be different in another circuit.
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

Ah. I thought you had tried more then just those, so my bad buddy. I'm sure you're ears aren't that knackered and old. Some of the diodes definitely have a subtle difference and nothing major, just that you have to listen for it, if you know what I mean.
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

Many thanks guys - that was what I kind of expected, but thought I would ask in case I had missed something or was barking up the wrong tree.  I keep getting all these different components but must get around to doing a full comparison so I can add it to the thread.
Trouble is I'll probably prove I've spent a lot on collecting some useless bits
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

Trouble is I'll probably prove I've spent a lot on collecting some useless bits.

I think that is unlikely. Seems to me (and others) that there is an ideal use for almost any component - you just have to find out which circuit it belongs in.
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

In reply to this post by dbat69
I don't see how making a test pedal with a fuzz face circuit is gonna help you build anything other than fuzz faces

Just use sockets or a breadboard for whatever project you're working on!
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

"I don't see how making a test pedal with a fuzz face circuit is gonna help you build anything other than fuzz faces"

I agree - almost every circuit is going to sound or behave differently. Socket, suck it and see.

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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

"Socket, suck it and see."

Words to live by  Although lately I've been more a fan of breadboarding and skipping the sockets. It feels exhilarating
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

In reply to this post by Beaker
Yes I always use sockets in a build and I've just really started to breadboard as it is so much easier to swap components (if I want to tweak a pedal from the standard set up)

I was just wanting to determine the different tonal characteristics of the various transistors and diodes, i.e. some are darker than others, some compress more, some diodes are thin sounding etc etc. as a basic guide.  By knowing how they audibly respond in a circuit, it should give an indication as to which might sound better when trying different ones (ok that will not always apply for every circuit but is a starting point).  
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Re: Recommended test pedal for Ge components

Sounds so wrong. Just stick it in the socket and see how it feels. I don't think my gf would like to know that I just stick things in different sockets to see how it feels

But the more I think about it I have to agree that if you just socket your transistors you can try whatever you get in everything. I sort do that and just see how something changes with a different transistor.