Red Witch Factotum

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Red Witch Factotum

Silver Blues
So I just finished watching this video.

This thing is awesome. I kind of want one now. I'm given to understand it's new, so we probably won't see a trace for a while, but it's supposed to be all-analog and so perhaps doable. Speculation as to the circuit topology? Thoughts? Can never have too many good bass drives

Also why is Andy so good. At bass as well.  That Musician bass sounds great by itself, I wonder what amp he's using.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Red Witch Factotum

Andy was born the son of Dionysus and a handmaiden to the king of Crete.  He is a demigod with stupendous ability.

...and I want this pedal.
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Re: Red Witch Factotum

haha. i think it's interesting watching him play bass, because he uses the same technique for guitar and bass, as in how he uses his fingers as a pick.

but with that being said, this does seem like a pretty bitching bass pedal, and that's coming from a guy who's not a fan of octave pedals. maybe that's because i haven't found one i like.....
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Re: Red Witch Factotum

Silver Blues
I hear you, I'm not really a fan of octave either for much the same reason, however this one is quite good. Just the drive is totally worth it, it sounds great and seems very versatile. Octave is just a little cherry on top... but you know, I like cherries
Through all the worry and pain we move on