Reduce bass OCD v3

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Reduce bass OCD v3

I built an OCD v3 with an SHO in front of it, and everything works great but there is just too much bass especially with the SHO engaged.  I've read on TGP that reducing the 2.2uf output cap to 1uf that it will reduce the bass "hump".  But, all the caps on the layout are 10uf and I have replaced what looks like the output cap to 1uf and that didn't seem to change anything.  Any recommendations?

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Re: Reduce bass OCD v3

I'd try lowering the value of the cap off the inverting input of the first opamp; it's notionally 68n, maybe try 47n or a compromise of 56n. The output cap value can only limit the amount of low end in the final signal, you'd need to go much lower than 1uF to notice much difference; reducing the bass before clipping may help tighten it up. You could put a couple of values on a switch. You could even try out a bass control like the timmy by reducing the 68n right down to 33n or something, and putting a larger cap in series with a pot (50k?) in parallel with the new bass cap so you can dial in more or less bass depending on what suits the gain setting.