Regulating a charge pump - advice needed

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Regulating a charge pump - advice needed

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on a 2 IC bass preamp circuit (an NE5532 for a tweaked version of the Ampeg VH-140 style clipping from Jack Orman's site and a TL072 (or something else) for an active Baxandall eq and buffering). As I've found that this style of clipping really needs as much V+ as possible, I am running it off a 7660 charge pump for ~33 volts.

However, as the charge pump is unregulated, with the two ICs, the voltage goes down to about 24 volts, which sounds audibly worse. I also tried connecting only the first IC to the charge pump and the second to 9V, but in this arrangement, the output from the first IC distorts the input from the second.

So my question is: what's the simplest and most effective way of regulating the charge pump output? This is something I have not seen in pedal schematics before and my electronics knowledge doesn't go any further than this. Should I buffer it with an opamp? Is there a regulator fit for this purpose?

Thanks in advance,