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Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

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Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

80 posts
Hi guys,

I recently came across this PCB: http://www.coda-effects.com/p/relay-bypass-pcb.html
(build doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By_mfOFntiLgMjB5U3QyQmRMMzg/view?usp=sharing)

The interesting thing about this relay bypass pcb is having both a momentary and a latch mode. Then I came up with the idea of have just this PCB in an enclosure and 4 jacks (In, Send, Return, Out). This way you can have several effects in the loop and activate them all at once, latch or momentary!
But then I wondered about how the sound of a reverb in the loop would cut off when you disengage the pedal. A sudden burst of 'verb should be possible too..

I've been thinking for days on how I would incorporate a "trails" switch in this pedal, but I can't seem to figure out how to wire it...

Is there someone who can help with this particular problem? :)

I was also thinking about adding a Split'N'Blend to this pedal, just because I can.
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

80 posts
Would anyone care to check this wiring diagram and see if it would give any problems?

Also, I was reading on splitters/blenders and I read it might give phasing issues, depending on the effect you put in the loop.
What would the best option for a blender circuit be in this pedal?
- the Split'N'Blend: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2012/02/split-n-blend.html
- the Mini JFET Blend: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2012/01/mini-blend-jfet.html
- or the Splitter Mixer from Sabrotone (as this one has a phase switch): http://www.sabrotone.com/?p=3041

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

350 posts
This post was updated on Dec 20, 2017; 7:20am.
I´ve used the blenders before with poor performances.
The mixer route seemed to work better as signals get isolated from each other, (and you have independent controls for each signal).
Apart from the sabrotone´s layout, there was a mixer layout here on a forum
 post about this same matter. I seemed to remember that it allowed dry signal plus 2 efx maybe...?
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

80 posts
Forgot about this thread for a while as I have been very busy.
Thanks for the reply Traktop! I've been looking for the forum post you mentioned, but I can't seem to find it.
Any further suggestions, are there better options for what I want to achieve or am I missing something? I want to order parts so I can start building in January 2018!
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

487 posts
I've used delays and reverbs in their own loops and I've found the easiest thing would be to just let it ring out on a quiet part. Kudos if you can make it work, but the way I see it it only really matters at the end of a song, or a break, when you can actually hear the tails die out. During a song with a full band, your mileage may vary.

What I'm still interested in are relays that can do stereo bypass, as lots of effects have stereo in- and outputs for decades now. Why are we still dealing with mono switches? And a relay that would allow me to switch between two loops, instead of bypass/loop.
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

350 posts
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Re: Relay Bypass PCB (pedal)

350 posts
This post was updated on Jan 03, 2018; 5:23am.
Wait, I found the thread:
The one above should do, but this one has a clean plus 2 x send/returns