Relay Chatter

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Relay Chatter


My eventual objective with pedal building is to one day be able to make a complicated looping system with many routing options, controlled remotely by MIDI. I am planning to use relays for this, but I was reading yesterday that relay switching is rarely used in combo amps as the vibration through the chassis caused by the speaker causes the relay contacts to 'chatter', creating very unpleasant distortions of the sound.

I am planning a setup of a cab topped by a rackmount unit, with a valve head on top of that, and the rackmount unit will contain the relays. I am concerned that the vibrations will still be transferred from the speakers to the relays, however, especially at performance volume.

I am asking if anybody here has any experience with this, and whether they would suggest trying to isolate the relays from vibration or replacing them entirely with a different switching method such as vactrols.

Many thanks,

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Re: Relay Chatter

Rather then re-invent the wheel maybe you should check out what Thomas of THCustom is doing?

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Re: Relay Chatter

Thank you, I will look into THCustom. I was investigating this as I was hoping to avoid the complexity and component expense of a soft-latch circuit. Since then I have been looking into 6-pin DIP phototransistors, which are significantly cheaper and smaller than relays anyway.