Resistor getting hot

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Resistor getting hot

Hi there,

I'm building my second Lovepedal Kalamazoo. The first one worked like a charm, this one, being for someone else's birthday, ofcourse doesn't work :D

I checked everything and found out my 3dpt switch wasn't grounded (DOH), that fixed the led that wasn't working.

Still no sound unfortuntely though. The circuit does get 9v, then I have a 1n4001 and a 100r resistor. That resistor is so hot I will almost burn my fingers touching it.. Is that right? The voltage after that resistor is around 1.. Any ideas where I could find my problem?

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Resistor getting hot

Marbles wrote
The circuit does get 9v, then I have a 1n4001 and a 100r resistor. That resistor is so hot I will almost burn my fingers touching it.. Is that right? The voltage after that resistor is around 1..Any ideas where I could find my problem?
The voltage drop across across that resistor should be minimal. Sounds like a solder bridge or wiring problem, maybe. Can't say much more without photos.
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Re: Resistor getting hot

As Induction said, I'd check for a solder bridge near the 100 ohm resistor.  The track below is ground which would explain the hot resistor.   Also check your 47 uF cap.  Good luck!
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Re: Resistor getting hot

Thanks guys!

I think you were right..  I saw a miniscule bridge between row 1 and 2 (after overlooking it 10 times). Had swapped the IC as well. Removed the bridge: Still nothing.

After debugging all day and yesterday night, I thought: F*&^ it, I'll build it again from the ground up. I did, went to take the IC out of the old one and... Saw that I had put it the wrong way in the second time around grrrrr.
So probably the bridge shouldve done he trick, but in the proces I messed up other parts.

Oh well, it works and I'm once again reminded that this is the nicest overdrive I have ever played.

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Re: Resistor getting hot

Excellent!  And yeah don't put an op amp in the wrong way or else it'll get hot too!  (I learned this the hard way...).