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Retro Build

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Retro Build

675 posts
I was visiting family and friends this week in NJ and a buddy still had the very 1st pedal I ever sold. 1997-8

Looks like I had done some work on it after I discovered tagboards. It's still working, but I asked him to let me take it home and refurb/redesign it.

How funny in this?!

An enclosure the size of a lawn paver, an etched board with no regard to size, big Mouser pots, a push pull pot, wiring salvaged from a copy machine, electrical tape, exposed wires, and powered with a 16v AC adapter, no charge pump.

It's a Craig Anderton Envelope Controlled Phase Shifter.

1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst
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Re: Retro Build

3037 posts
man that's crazy. it's amazing to see the difference in builds when looking at older builds. i cracked open a few of my first builds from 2009 and lets just say i'm shocked they even worked. lol

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Re: Retro Build

Silver Blues
1220 posts
Oh god yeah. My first couple of builds are spaghetti robot vomit of the highest order. Even now there's a couple of pedals I don't ever want to open again  

Yours doesn't look bad by any stretch of the imagination though Mao! People have done wilder things and still have them work lol
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Retro Build

487 posts
Well, you only know what mistakes to avoid and what you really want by doing something. At least this pedal was still working, so that's a plus.