I swapped out the 100k for a 4.7 and the Bright side is bright and sunshinny as it should be, however im not getting much out of the BLEND knob. It basically just acts as another volume knob but turns down the clean tone as well as the effect. Could this be because I havent wired in the foot switch yet? I just have the board built, and then soldered on stand outs where all the wired connections go on the board. Then I put the board on my bread board and use pots ive soldered legs to, that can be placed in the bread board, and I just jumper their connections to the rows the board wire connections stick in. I have the input and output in an old enclosure and their sleeves are connected to the bread board ground and the tips are connected via male eld jumpers to the bread board. Thanks again for the help with the resistor, now I can go back and take all the other Reverberation machine boards I built, swap out that resistor and test them.
make them loud enough to melt the sun