Reverse log pot

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Reverse log pot

Hey guys,

I'm building a triple wreck, and I don't want to wait for a reverse log pot from tayda (C100K) I know there's a way to sort of fake one by adding a resistor, but I'm not sure the best way to calculate it and which lugs it goes on. Would love a clear explanation if someone has one (even if it involves math) :)

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Re: Reverse log pot


it's explained in the paragraph "which leads us to tapering"
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Re: Reverse log pot

Yeah, thanks Cylens, I had read that article, I guess I was being lazy and hoping someone would tell me practically what to do :)

If I understand him correctly, If I want a taper value of say b=5, I should wire a 20K resister across lugs 2 and 3? isn't that going to lower my overall resistance in the pot since they are in parallel... Its been so long since Algebra...

Also, he makes a warning about the voltage load -- that's a bit above my head right now... do I need to worry about that in the triple wreck?
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Re: Reverse log pot

oh... sorry then, i can't be of much help myself...