Roger Mayer Axis

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Roger Mayer Axis

I've been meaning to try the Axis for a while and since the circuit is fairly simple and the only layout on here was for tagboard I've put one together myself.

It could be smaller I'm sure but I stuck with 9 rows as I have quite a few bits of stripboard of that size. Also had to do with one standing resistor (shock, horror!) but I'm quite happy with the result all in all, and by adding one cut it can be made to be pot mounted on the Gain pot (I like pot mounting when possible).

Also my first or second effort with the StripboardCAD app. Since I didn't use the correct values/names and used links for wires at the edges I'm ignoring the BOM part of the file export, but can post if anyone is interested to see what the exports look like.

Not verified just yet but will hopefully have it done this evening. Went through a couple times and seems correct. Will report back!

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Re: Roger Mayer Axis

This is now verified but boy, does it oscillate with the gain maxed out!

Should I consider adding a small value cap (ie 4.7pf) across C and B of Q2?

Also, I've only tested it without volume pot at the minute, would adding the pot and dialling it back a touch help?
