Roland AG-5 Funny cat

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Roland AG-5 Funny cat

Putting in a request for this one again. Details found here and mods can be found here Anyone up for the challenge?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny cat

Moos's funny cat sounds great.. the last guitar sample is freakin sweet!
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny cat

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With all the extra mods the board would come out quite large.
When the SDS/Normal switch is in the Normal position, you loose treble.
Maybe should remove the extra Input Level pot, add a true-bypass switch and make SDS & Harmonic Mover toggle switches?
Or just add a buffer at the input of the "Normal" side of the SDS/Normal switch and leave those 2 footswitches like in the original?