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Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

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Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

487 posts
Anyone knows which LED/LDR combo works best if I need to roll my own vactrol if a VTL5C1 is asked for?

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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

384 posts
Check out the specs in the datasheet, and aim to buy an LDR with similar on and off resistance


What circuit is it for? Some are more picky about the exact opto than others.
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

487 posts
At the moment I was thinking Jon Patton's Cardinal Tremelo. Or his Blue Warbler. But it could be any pedal basically that calls for a VTL5C1.

Maybe we should collate a list of what has worked for people in their builds?
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

253 posts
I'm also thinking of the Cardinal Tremolo which I gather is very picky regarding vactrols, so has anyone had any success with finding suitable LED / LDR combinations to roll you own? or failing that a reliable supplier of VTL5C1 for something other than a silly amount of money + postage, Ideally (As I am in UK) in Europe

Thnaks In advance
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

464 posts
I am also interested in this info, I honestly think that having proper combo alternatives for these overpriced vactorals would be nice.
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

81 posts
In reply to this post by Muadzin
   For the best result with the Magnavibe I used a Silonex NSL-19M51 LDR & 5mm Red Diffused Superbright 600mcd LED.
Have them facing each other and using shrink tube so no outside light can get between them.

Cheers music6000
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

253 posts
Thanks for the info music6000

Judging by Jon Patton's comments regarding dark/light resistance and dynamic range of the the VTL5C1 and my limited understanding of the finer points of data sheets (Help from better brains than mine very welcome) I'm not sure if the NSL-19M51 quite fits the bill for the Cardinal  from what I can gather it is especially finickey regarding the Vactrol/LDR part of the circuit

Definately good to know NSL-19M51 work well in the Magnavibe though, and I suspect will probably be good in plenty of other vactrol / LDR builds as well, seems that most circuits are thankfully a bit more forgiving than the Cardinal!

I've been using G5528 usually with diffused red 625nm LED (Shrink wrapped of course) in most of my own builds with good results so far, but always nice to hear of viable alternatives, especially if we can find them at reasonable prices. At the moment I'm considering getting some G5516, G5537, G5549 just to see how well any of them work in different circuits, and at a few pennies each it's not much of a gamble if they aren't a success, could eventually be perfect for something though.......hmmm that'll be another box of components
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

81 posts
Hi Again
             This seems hard to pass up & worth trying, VTL5C1 for $7.43US,  he has sold a lot!


Says around $3.60 for worldwide shipping!

Cheers music6000
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

253 posts
thanks for the heads up:) looks like a far more realistic price than I've seen in most places even taking into account the shipping and currency exchange rates.

Just wondering if anyone have any experience of this seller? looks to have a very high rating for the amount of feedback?
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

313 posts
You can also get them from their web store instead through ebay, they are legit

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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

253 posts
Thanks Zanius, they are noticably cheaper to buy through the web store (Including postage) and looks like they do discounts for anything more than 2 as well which is even better
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Re: Roll your own VTL5C1 vactrol?

253 posts
Additional bit of info regarding http://cabintechglobal.com I emailed an enquiery as the website says " $6.21 when ordering 2 or more. Contact us for larger quantity pricing on this item."  and got a reply from Mark McMillan in less than 10 minutes clarifying prices with the following breakdown (Shared with permission) so looks like there could be some really good savings to be made especially for anyone who can muster an order of 20 or more

Pricing tiers for VTL5C1xv (Opto-coupler, 4 Lead Axial)
(1) USD 6.75
(2) USD 6.21
(20) USD 5.40
(100) USD 4.32
(300+) USD 3.60

The web site only supports the first 2 pricing tiers. The 'contact us' part is to place orders in higher tiers which we do via direct email instead of the shopping cart.