Rotosound Fuzz - TB Mk III volume mod?

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Rotosound Fuzz - TB Mk III volume mod?

I'm about to start building a Rotosound Fuzz (on a Tonebender kick lately) - but I was wondering if it could need the volume mod that I've used in my Mark 3 builds (swap 220k resistor for 68k, up volume pot from 100k to 250k).

Since the resistor in that position in the Rotosound is a 470k, and the Volume pot is already at 250k, would that resistor be better as a 47k? Someone mentioned that in the comments but it doesn't appear that layout was modified.

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Re: Rotosound Fuzz - TB Mk III volume mod?

There are two versions of the MKIII basically. The earlier one has a 470K resistor and sounds more choppy. The later one has a 680K and has more sustain.

The Rotosound is just a MKIV so depending which MKIII version you built you should expect the Rotosound to sound exactly the same.

With that said, the resistor in question can be anything from a wire to 1M or whatever you want. Less resistance = more output.