Rub a Dub Reverb Deluxe

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Rub a Dub Reverb Deluxe

Peter Venkman
Ive built this board three times now and I cant get a signal. I know I need to post pics but Im at work at the moment. Im looking at the Datasheet for the Reverb brick and the pinout doesn't seem to correlate with the layout.
here's the data sheet

it seems like the layout is incorrect for pins 7, 8, 9, and 10 but I dont know. Has anyone gotten the Rub A dub Deluxe to work?
make them loud enough to melt the sun
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Re: Rub a Dub Reverb Deluxe

Hi Peter,

I'm afraid I don't completely understand your comment about the layout being incorrect?

The pinout is not shown in the layout.. It mentions in the bottom where wires from pins 7, 8, 9 and 10 go to. It's a Dual pot (the decay) which means instead of 3 lugs, the pot has a total of 6 lugs (2 rows of 3 lugs).

Row 1 of lugs is called A here
Row 2 of lugs is called B.

Pin 7  of the reverb brick goes to Decay Pot Row A, lug 1
Pin 8  of the reverb brick goes to Decay Pot Row A lug 2 and 3
Pin 9  of the reverb brick goes to Decay Pot Row B lug 1
Pin 10of the reverb brick goed to Decay Pot Row B lug 2 and 3

I'm not sure this is the answer you're looking for. Also I see it's over a month ago.. well I typed it now, so might as well finish it ;)

But it sounds like there's something wrong with the wiring. I'm afraid pics are needed at this point. The layout is verified, which means people have got it to work as the layout is shown.