Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

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Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

Hi to everybody,
1) could someone who built the ROG Tonemender tell me how "loud" is the boost side of the circuit? For instance if compared with a SHO (which normally works fine for me)... In other words, can this circuit boost properly the volume of another pedal if placed "after"?

2) If the level pot is completely off and the EQ flat (as per ROG instruction) will the ipotetic signal beeing fed keep the same volume level?

3) Will it be possible to separate the boost section from the circuit in order to use a footswitch to activate just the boost side if needed?
Looking at the schematic it seems to me the boost section is the second half of the OP-AMP, but I'm no expert...

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

The circuit is a buffer (IC1a, unity level) followed by a lossy FMV tonestack followed by a booster (IC1b). The boost allows a maximum gain of approximately x100 (500k pot/ 4k7 vref resistor). Since the tonestack loses some of the signal, the level control would probably need to be set around somewhere from 10k-100k for unity; I'd assume that at minium the signal level would be below unity. The easiest way to do a boost switch would be to breadboard it, twiddle with the level control to find the right resistance to produce unity gain, make that resistance a fixed resistor and then use a boost footswitch to introduce an additional resistance for boost mode. You could make this additional resistance a pot, so you have a "boost level" control.
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

Thanks for the info nocentelli, that's quite interesting!
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

FWIW I have built it and I am using it - and it actually gives you a very large volume boost on it own. The volume knob is at unity when it is near 12:00 (depending on your tone controls of course) but I would say it can double the input volume easily - probably more.

There is just plenty of clean boost in it, more than you need, and it is very transparent and versatile. For example, changing any of the tone pots as little 20% makes a huge difference in the overall sound, but the entire range of each tone controls seems usable (it is not one of those pedals where you only find one sweet spot for each tone control and you feel like you could have just put in a resistor).

It is highly recommended by me - as someone who uses it as an integral part of my pedal board. It is too bad that YouTube sucks at showing dynamic range - because I show the pedal on & off in my board demo - and you really cannot hear how much gain it actually adds.
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

Thanks motterpaul,
very useful info here!
I was curious about the boost side, cause the only boost pedal I use is the SHO (just because it's easy to build and quite small, didn't try anythig else), I was doing some research for an EQ and the boost feature of the Tonemender got me thinking...
So, I guess it'll be quite a useful feature thanks to your description!

FWIW, just to let you know, my plans are to build a Red Llama with the Tonemender in the same box just to see if the EQ can give me more tonal variations from the RL. I'm thinking to make both effects switchable in order to keep the RL tone untouched AND/OR add the EQ side if needed...and the best will be to have another switch to just add the boost side for soloing/more gain!
Well, I'll see what I'll come up with!

Thanks again!
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

Here is my board layout where the Tonemender is placed after all the overdrives - it works great as a kind of overall tone & volume control for you whole pedalboard.  But naturally, putting it in a box with ANY gain pedal is a really good idea if you feel the pedal needs more tone control.

Here is my pedal demo. Like I said, you really can't hear how much boost I actually get from turning it on - picture about twice the loudness as what the YouTube video gives you.

In fact, I have now added two more overdrives so I can choose between them for different lead tones. All before the Tonemender. You could also use it as a "lead solo boost" pedal - leaving it off for rhythm and turning it on for lead solos.
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

Thanks for the demo, Paul.  That tonemender sounds great (along with the other effects).  I wonder if some of the noise you were experiencing was due to the compressor.  Anyhow, it wold be nice to have a demo thread here so we could all post videos or mp3s of our pedals.  Really gives me a good idea how an effect will perform, even though it's not my rig.
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Re: Runoffgroove Tonemender Questions

In reply to this post by motterpaul
motterpaul wrote
Here is my pedal demo. Like I said, you really can't hear how much boost I actually get from turning it on - picture about twice the loudness as what the YouTube video gives you.
Thanks for the demo (and sorry for the late reply). Indeed the volume boost is not so loud from the youtube video, but I trust your direct experience better!

Actually, I tried the Llama with a 5W tube combo amp and to my ears it sounded great...Maybe in the end I won't putting the Tonemender in the same box with the RL, but another overdrive to push it even more!

Frank_NH wrote
Anyhow, it wold be nice to have a demo thread here so we could all post videos or mp3s of our pedals.  Really gives me a good idea how an effect will perform, even though it's not my rig
Very good idea!