Russian Diode chart

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Re: Russian Diode chart

I'm pretty sure they're D9I's based on the chart above. Check eBay and see if they look the same as the ones you have.
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Re: Russian Diode chart

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Are they white or yellow - hard to tell from the photo.

If they are white, they are D9K's. I have a couple of hundred of these, and they are great.

If they are yellow, I think that makes them D9I's - I don't have any of these.
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Re: Russian Diode chart

Yeah, there's 2 yellow bands.

Anyone have any experience with D9I's?

I'm going to build a basic drive this week and stick them in and see how they go I reckon.
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Re: Russian Diode chart

i haven't gotten any of the D9I's but i've been curious about them. so far all of the D9's i've gotten i really dig, so i would think they're going to be good and just have a different flavor then the other D9's.
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Re: Russian Diode chart

In reply to this post by inefficiency

inefficiency wrote
Yeah, there's 2 yellow bands.

Anyone have any experience with D9I's?
Inefficiency, I mentioned above that I believe the two yellow stripe ones may be SFDxxx diodes - I got some from our Bulgarian friend, and having checked the packet, it was marked "EFD106" (although another packet had "SFD" written on ).  Google hasn't been much help at identifying them yet.  I hope to get some D9i in the future so I can compare.
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Re: Russian Diode chart

Ah, cool.

Well, I don't have many of them, so it's not a biggie unless they turn out to be really good and I need more!
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Re: Russian Diode chart

Got you on that - its exactly why I'm keen on finding out what they are.  If they are EFDxxx or SFDxxx I don't see many about in any quantity  or chaep

I just need to make way and make a nice dirt pedal to test them out for my liking
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Re: Russian Diode chart

In reply to this post by dbat69
If it helps I received some SFD106 diodes from our Bulgarian friend, with one grey stripe, and some similar looking ones with two grey stripes.  Not sure what those are.