Rx Yardbox Help - Measuring Ge Transistor Voltages - how to?

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Rx Yardbox Help - Measuring Ge Transistor Voltages - how to?

I'm building a Rx Yardbox with a matched AC125 set from Small Bear - I've assembled the board and hooked it up to my test rig, and I get no 'fuzz', just a regular signal. I'd like to post pics and info so I can get some help debugging, but I'm not sure how to check and record the transistor voltages (as specified in the 'Read this before posting! sticky).

Is there a tutorial or guide on how to check the transistor voltages I can refer to?
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Re: Rx Yardbox Help - Measuring Ge Transistor Voltages - how to?

Set your DMM to measure DC voltage in the appropriate range

Power up the fuzz circuit

Connect the red probe to circuit ground

Touch the black probe wherever you want to measure the voltage.

The voltages will be negative for this circuit