SHO as internal efx booster: power filtering

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SHO as internal efx booster: power filtering

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I want to use a zvex SHO as a internal booster in order to get a little more volume of a 9v Sunn Model T preamp build.
Should I omit the 47uf power filter cap as the other circuit already has one?
And what about the 1m pulldown resistor?
Cheers, Gilberto.
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Re: SHO as internal efx booster: power filtering

I would say that you don't need the power filtering cap or the pulldown resistor (unless the SHO is the first stage - in that case you want the pulldown to remain).  You could also tack on a FET, BJT, or Op Amp gain stage at the end of the preamp to get more signal strength.
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Re: SHO as internal efx booster: power filtering

I thought about the sho as post-gain booster since seemed the more transparent and is small enough.
Cheers, Gilberto.