Hey ladies and gents, i just finished making a Super hard on type of clean boost with a master volume and i wired it up and it rocks just fine, there is one problem though; There is a high pitched, cicada-like, whine behind all the sound when the master volume is all the way up. what could this be? all my solder joints are solid, it sounds like a SHO when you are rocking it, but that damn whine is there when you mute the strings or play soft. it is not affected by the crackle ok (gain) knob and it is still present when i turn down my guitar volume or even take out the input plug.it is not there in bypass mode and it is only diminished when you roll off the master volume, but it doesn't go away. there were a few people on the tagboard effects forum with possibly the same problem but no real answers were stated. I should also state that i originally had the transistor in backwards, so i dont know if that would be a problem(would that burn up a transistor?)
http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2013/02/zvex-super-hard-on-compact-layout.html any help i would be so grateful for.