SHO layout

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SHO layout

I was looking at the SHO Compact layout and it looks wrong to me compared with the schematics I've seen. The zener diode should go to transistor source/gain 3 and not to ground.

I haven't got an account that allows me to post on the layout page so thought I'd post here.

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Re: SHO layout

Mine is based on Vex's own schematic from the Inventobox documentation and so we know is 100% correct.  All other schematics I've seen of the zener version had it going to source, but he's either changed that in a later version of the SHO to ground, or they were wrong.  Both ways will work fine though.
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Re: SHO layout

Ok, thanks, good to know. I breadboarded it last night but only noticed the diode differences today after I'd taken the circuit down. Sounds great by the way, I like the 2u2 cap on the output mod and think the circuit works best with Strat type guitars.