SPICE masters - can you help?

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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

Cyclens, its great what you have done, Im a bass player too and a bass cabinet sim would be great addition for these jams where you are connected straight to the P.A. My amp is an old Peavey T-MAX350 hybrid head with blackwidow15 with horn, it moves some air, but it weights a ton! your amp is amazing I ve always liked the EBS, yours with the 4x10 is a very great sound! Most of the time I play my warwick fortress one 5 or my jazzbass. Im curious wich bass did you use for the test of your basscabsimulator pickups config? JJ? PJ? M?
By the way, what do you think about this discussion? Do you think that simulation would benefit from some harmonic content, like if the speaker was driven hard?


I'm interested in giving your layout a try, would you mind sharing potentiometer values? And what about the switching, are we taking about 3 ON-ON-ON swiches?
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

By the way, I remember a live concert some years ago,  the Stooges playing with Mike Watt in charge of the bass... amazing how it sounded. There were two 8x10 if memory doesnt fail.... I felt like if I was beaten in my stomach with a cannonball! If layout gets close to this feeling this will be mindblowing!
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

In reply to this post by Sergio

I've tested this with 3 basses: Rickenbacker 4004, so humbuckers, Noguera Expression+ 6 string (soapbars, I play it passive) and an old Kramer with alu neck, but pickups are Seymour Duncans Basslines.

About harmonic content: the Condor circuit features a JFET gain stage, so you can add a little "grit", I kinda like the result.

About trying my layout: can you wait just a little bit? I definitely have to "clean" it, it's verified as is but I have to make clear what the connections to pots and switches are...

Freq pot is dual 100k linear
all switches I've used are rotary ones. You need a 4P3T (4 poles, 3 positions) one for the lowpass frequency and  2P6T or 3P4T switches (you need 2 poles, 3 positions) for the mid attenuation and highpass frequency.

the other pots are like the original Condor: Volume is A10K and Gain is B1K.

I'll try to update the layout ASAP
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

here's a pic of my build, by the way

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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

No problem waiting. Good lookings as it is, by the way! Thanks a lot,
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

In reply to this post by cylens
Looks great cylens, I'm really looking forward to seeing the cleaned up version.

Can you do us a huge favour and let us know the frequency values for all the click positions on the rotary switches if possible?

It would be a massive help when it comes to putting some graphics on the enclosure.

Thanks again!
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

after a few tests:

to me the 33k position of the lowpass cuts way too much high end, I'd suggest using something like 15k/18k/22k instead of 15k/22k/33k (unless you want the sound to be as muddy as an Ampeg cab... just trolling)

the highpass doesn't matter much, use lowest freq value unless you want to get rid of some rumble

here we go:

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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

Cool! Thanks a lot, Im going to give this one a try ASAP. I built one Ginger before but I did not put this into enclosure yet.. If I find a big enough box, these will be paired!
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Re: SPICE masters - can you help?

the Ginger circuit already features high end filtering, take that into account!