Sabbra Cadabra MPF/PN4393 Importance

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Sabbra Cadabra MPF/PN4393 Importance

I built a Sabbra Cadabra using J201s and a 2N4401. While it sounds really good as is, I was wondering if the proper JFETs and BJT would make that much of a difference. I read through the thread in the main page and on FSB and there didn’t seem to be much discussion about whether they worked better or not. Is it work buying a set of 4393s or is going to be negligible in the end? Thanks.
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Re: Sabbra Cadabra MPF/PN4393 Importance

I’m not sure what difference it will make, I bought a bag of the 4393 (Siliconix/Vishay) because at the time they were cheap.

I have subbed them for J201 in several circuits when I didn’t feel like soldering up the smd J201 things. That has worked fine for me, so maybe it’s pretty similar to J201. I haven’t tested any of their specs though
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Re: Sabbra Cadabra MPF/PN4393 Importance

Thanks Travis. I guess I’ll save myself the trouble and keep the J201s. I’d image that the BJT may make more of a difference anyway.