Sadowsky preamp doubt

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Sadowsky preamp doubt

Hallo, Im thinking about this one,

Id like to move the bass and treble a little higher, something like 70 or 75hz and something between 7 and 7,5 khz, so, does someone have an idea what values or components should i have to change to get to this?
I imagine its just capacitor resistor combinations, but dont know exactly which ones.
 Thank you!
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Re: Sadowsky preamp doubt

Haven't had a chance to look at the circuit, but this should help you get started (from Wampler's book)

More from wampler:
"*Free online calculator at
Keep in mind that R1 and C1 affect the same frequencies in high AND low pass filters. The
difference is that they affect them differently. For example, if your high pass filter has the values
10k for R1 and .047uF for C1 then most of the frequencies BELOW 338hz are limited, or not
passed through (actually, not ALL frequencies are limited, but 6db per octave pertaining to the
cutoff frequency). In a low pass filter with the same values the frequencies ABOVE 338hz are
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Re: Sadowsky preamp doubt

Thank you Todd! I'll take a look at that calculator, but information you paste from Wampler, makes me doubt how this preamp will react to treble, Sadowsky pre was supposed to affect 40 and 4000 hz, and based in wampler information, 10k resistor and 2n2 cap would be 7200 hz that was my "target frequency" Well, soon I'm going to be building it and I'll post what I ve finally done to the pre.
 Thank you again,