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Is there a place here to post schematics if we trace a pedal but haven't created a layout?
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Re: Schematics?

welcome to gfx, BuGG.

i would say post it in 'requests' with the very clear caveat (marked on the schematic itself, as image and context can be separated) that 'this is a self-traced and unverified schematic'.

also worth accompanying your posted schematic with images of the pcb itself if possible (photograph it with a light shining through it to reveal tracks) so others can cross-reference your working out.

generally speaking, the easier you make it for others to take it further, cross-reference and double check, the more likely it is they will enagage with the project.

also worth posting simultaneously at freestompboxes if you are a member (well worth joining) and there isn't already a post. photos of pcb required to start a tracing thread there. but that is www tracing hq.
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Re: Schematics?

Cool thanks.   I've been here a while, just haven't posted much.

What I have isn't unverified, it's retrace of a schematic that has been floating around on the net for a few years now that had some errors/issues/unidentified components.     I've already returned the pedal to the owner though, so pics of the PCB won't be possible....  

I don't need a layout done for myself, I've already got some fabbed PCBs on the way.  I just thought some of you guys might want to get your hands on it.  
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Re: Schematics?

I wish schematics would always get posted along with every layout. It would make troubleshooting so much easier if you didn't have to go hunt the internet for a schematic every time your build wasn't working. I really can't understand why its not being done here.
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Re: Schematics?

Ciaran Haslett
I do agree with you...a schematic does make it easier to debug/modify etc. But...

The layout is owned by whoever draws it.  The schematic they drew it from is not.  It's bad form to post something that isn't yours without seeking permission.  So seek permission you say?  What if you get no response?  What if they say no?

A simple solution to this is to redraw the schematic so you now have ownership but that adds work/time to the delivery of the layout..and adds to the possibility of error.  Swings and roundabouts scenario really.

Or for the admin to post link to the schematic they used in the main description (which they do often)'ll find most of them on FSB, DIYSB, Revolutiondeux, muzique, ROG etc.  Shouldn't take long to find a schematic.
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Re: Schematics?

"The layout is owned by whoever draws it.  The schematic they drew it from is not.  It's bad form to post something that isn't yours without seeking permission."

This is good advice and the reason internet schematics are generally not posted unless the material in question is in the public domain.  It is OK, however, to post a link to the original website, which we could do, but internet links are often fragile.  
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Re: Schematics?

Sometimes I had open permission to post the schematic with the layout, Matt Molter for instance always said just post the schematic for any layout I do based on his scheme and so I did.  Some I was explicitly told NOT to share the schematic.  With most I have no permission and because I do layouts from schematics saved on my computer I don't necessarily know where I got them.  I could of course find them again and provide the link but I thought it was more important to keep churning out the layouts and say that the schematics can usually be found at FSB or whatever other source I was using.

What I may do it create an account somewhere that I can store images and just upload the entire library of schematics I have on my hard drive.  If I have done a layout the schematic will be in there even if it may still take some rooting out depending on the file naming convention that was used by the person who originally posted it.  I'd be happy to do it like that so it's totally separate and independent to this site so I can't get any complaints directed at the blog.