Schumann PLL build tips

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Schumann PLL build tips

I dont think im quite ready but ive been thinking about the pLL for a little while now. Working toward it i guess...

Just wondered if any successful builders of this layout could offer any insight or tips for a vero project of this size?

Any parts of the circuit youd reccomend experimenting with?

Drone add on?

Love to see some the wiring, this looks very scary

Thanks as always, this site is a wealth of info :)
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

There seems to be a raising interest lately for the PLL.

I'd say get your hands on any information you can and study them instead of blindly following Alex's excellent layout. It's a pretty complex build, and you can't really test it before completing it. Even after that, I spend 2 hours trying to decide if it was working properly or not, lol.
As with every big layout, take little and careful steps. The indicator lamp wire coming from the board is actually -12v DC (it seems to buffle everyone that tries to build it), so a normal led wired backwards will do.

I implemented the "drone" and "moment" add-ons, and they work fine, they are just a bunch of connected switches. Here is my drawing of them.

and finally here are some pics of my complete build (I never get tired of showing it off  )

Hope that helps!
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

While reminiscing I also found this pic of the board before installing. Something between the Kraken and Cthulhu!
Imagine trying to wire this up using a single colour cable...

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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

Thanks heaps dude. Looks so good!

The add on wiring too!! :)

Anything you read about the circuit that was really helpful? I should probably read all related threads.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

I have to say, most of the reading and research I've done was to figure out the add-ons. There are a couple of versions of them out there and some of them wouldn't make sense with the given schematic. But like everything else, once you get a good understanding of everything, things become clear.

Make sure you make a BOM of what's needed, it calls for many different parts, some are not the things you have lying around. B2M pot comes to mind, and those 10uf bipolar caps. And then there are the tons of different switches, toggle or foot, momentary or latching, on/on, on/off/on, on/on/on...

The board itself isn't very complicated, the nightmare starts when facing the wiring :)

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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

i forgot to ask about the drone controls, seems to be a few extra pots there?
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

my bad, just missed that in that large diagram.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

In reply to this post by Zanius
Good evening. I built the pedal and it worked perfectly. It really is a noisy machine.
However, I did not find the 2M pot and used a 1M pot instead. Today I had the idea to make a pot of 2M using 1 dual gang pot in series. It would be possible? What would the connections look like? Thank you.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

any good sources for the lm660? having a bit of trouble with that one. cheers!!!
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

If I understood correctly from Gavins comments on this layout you should look for LMC660CN.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

In reply to this post by velouriafx
I suppose, since it's a variable resistor pot it can be done.
Response 1 goes to A1, link A2&3 with B1, Response 2&3 to B2&3.
I think that will double the resistance.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

few more questions :):), do u remember which size/model enclosure you used?

i havent built anything running ac before, is that a fuse up the top?

thanks!! ive nearly sussed all of the bom other than a 2m pot. once i do ill disappear for a few days
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

The LMC660 works perfectly.
I'll try, Zanius, and I measure resistance. Thanks.
Travis, I searched 50 times in Small Bear and never found, until yesterday appeared. Either the pot was out of stock or I was blind haha Thanks
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

Awesome build! But you know the rule, guts or it didn't happen
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

This one I'm ashamed to post the guts. The wires were a mess.
I have also sent it to the customer and unfortunately one of the rotarys and the supply have been broken in transport by the carrier. I have an open indemnification process so that I can make a new one and from there I post the guts haha.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

But I can guarantee that the wire got more organized than the original, at least haha
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

Wow, now that's bad luck :(

The original pll was a true mess, I can't believe they sold it like this lol.
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Re: Schumann PLL build tips

Thanks for all your help zanius! made a big difference to my build. I definitely used your photos as a bit of a guide.

just waiting for the last couple of parts... momentary switch/2m pot but certainly seems to be working. absolutely crazy. misplaced my entire afternoon yesterday fooling around.