Seamoon Freh Fuzz

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Seamoon Freh Fuzz

Hi everybody !
Will anyone be interested in drawing a stripboard version of this schema?

There is an article on it in the last Distortion Ltd and it looks really good, the little video that hangs on the net sounds promising !
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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

Great ! Thank you for the info.
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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

FYI I figured I'd build this too. Sounds real interesting from all the talk on FSB. But I couldn't let myself build a board that big for a circuit this small. I drew this up tonight. I haven't verified it yet, but I hope to some time this weekend.

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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

I was gonna request this too. I did some reading and it's supposedly really close to the Black Cat OD1 (freddie fuzz). I used to own one of those and didn't love it, I wonder if I should build one of these and see how different they sound. Probably should.
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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

In reply to this post by jaredcohen
Tag it verified. Built it with an a100k on both side for better control. I've made them with c 100k and c50k for the gain as well and it works but goes right to grind and then square wave

Also Nash guitars has a pedal called something like ngpd or something that's the perf layout at the top on a radio shack perf board with a swtc tacked on above the left hand side. Its part for part the layout with amz tone section before the volume.
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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

Oh awesome, thanks for verifying it. Does it sound cool? Worth a build? I didn't get around to it over the weekend.
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Re: Seamoon Freh Fuzz

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Yeah, its great. Meaty bastard without clippers i didn't suspect it could sound this good, i used a jrc4565 only bc they sent me 20 in a sample, but with that and a lm358, lm2904 it still sounded superbly good, I might tack on that swtc or bmp tone ctrl to see how well that makes it. But good work man, well done.  

And about the freddie fuzz/ od-1, they are dependant on the op275, I KNOW, I KNOW opamp mojo bullshit blah blah blah, BUT this in the ONLY instance where it makes a huge (ie:very noticable)difference IMHO. In something like a TS opamp makes little difference but here its night and day. I got 10 of them off ebay from texas seller SPECSpeciality or something like that.   It's something in the way pick intensity affects the distortion "like a tube amp" and cleans up really nicely with the guitar vol rolled back. One niggle I have with the circuit is the2nd stage opamp has that 220p cap that dulls it out.