Search layouts by part?

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Search layouts by part?


I've ended up with a load of spare parts from building various pedals, and was wanting to build pedals that used the parts i have. It would be great if you could search the site for 'LM308' for example and it have it show all the builds that used that part. I realise this would mean inputting all the parts for each build into a database and probably messing with the back-end of the site but it would be a super-cool feature. Any plans to implement this in future?

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Re: Search layouts by part?


Cool idea, but I bet it is too much to do (if it is possible) as there are over 800 circuits.  And it would mean back tracking through each circuit and creating a database to search ...

Something which may be useful to consider, which I find very useful for myself:  I keep a spreadsheet with all my parts stock on, so I can tell if I have everything for a build or I need to get some more of something (because I'm running low).  For each transistor or IC, I keep a notes section where I add in all the pedals which use it which I would like to build - (or whether there has been a recommendation from others for use in a particular build)

I also keep all other useful info about components on this spreadsheet, so everything is in one place.
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Re: Search layouts by part?

800 schematics is too much for a few persons to do. I suggest, everyone of us, when start to build a pedal from the site, just remember to add a (shopping) list of components on the comments. This list can be in a template format (quantity x type, guys here can help to create one model). I am sure, that way, simple as that, soon we will have it done, and for sure it will help people on buiyng.
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Re: Search layouts by part?

Nice idea, if there was a web template that users could enter the data in to then it could become a community project, then the web site design would only have to be modified, and the users could do the donkey work!
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Re: Search layouts by part?

I too have created a BOM spreadsheet for some of my builds.  A searchable database would be a wonderful idea though, and volunteers from this site could assist in populating it.  Perhaps a Wiki?

For me, the parts I usually don't have (enough of) are potentiometers!  My pots parts box has bins for audio and linear taper from 5K to 1M, plus some bins for odd values (reverse tapers etc.).  But then the next effect I want to build will always seem to require one pot type that I don't have ...