Search not working

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Search not working

A few people have contacted me mentioning the search box not working.  This has been reported to blogspot (or google or whoever looks after it now) but as we have no control over the script we are in their hands.  

In the meantime you should be able to search the blog with the search box at the top left hand side of the blog, or alternatively you can also perform a search by filling in the address bar to cover whatever you're searching for.  The search should be formatted as follows:

with the search term following the "=".  And so for instance: centaur

If you open that link and book mark it, you should be able to go to it quickly and perform a manual search when you're looking for something specific.
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Re: Search not working

Or the easier work around is to use the non-widget version of the blogspot search at the top left:
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Search not working

Yes I mentioned that first "In the meantime you should be able to search the blog with the search box at the top left hand side of the blog" ^^
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Re: Search not working

But... mine had a pretty picture.

Ok, I skimmed over your post too quickly, my bad!


Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.