Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

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Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

Sharing the schematic from a traced Seppuku Mind Warp. Any chance of someone converting it to vero for me? Thanks!

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Re: Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

A whole lotta question marks on there..
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Re: Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

It was verified as working in the FSB forum, the guy never made the vero like he said he would...
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Re: Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

I also have gut shots of my old Mind Warp I sold, so I can cross reference the values.
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Re: Seppuku Mind Warp - Schematic Attached

re "It was verified as working in the FSB forum, the guy never made the vero like he said he would..."

i remember the thread at fsb last summer, the team at fsb got it so far and then then the trace dried up due to lack of information. gut shots were offered but never materialised.

nocentelli made the best educated guess he could at the missing values and drew up the above schematic. unfortunately he felt it wasn't quite right, too noisy, so he took the tone section for the warp and added it to the front end of something quieter, he called this 'the warped mind' (it's in the diy build section there). without a functioning schematic the mind warp never got to the vero stage.

re "I also have gut shots of my old Mind Warp I sold, so I can cross reference the values."

if you post them at fsb interest in the mind warp might reawaken. the whole tracing game depends on people contributing gut shots. that's the raw material. unfortunately there's a bit of a weird tgp cult around seppuku so gut shots are not as widely shared as they are for other pedals. but as and when they appear things get traced. it's a community, you get out what you put in.

fsb well worth joining if you are not already there. but that's the situation re the mind warp.