Shielded Wire

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Shielded Wire

I just purchased a roll of shielded wire to use on the inputs and outputs of certain effects.

I was just wondering; how do you guys go about earthing the shielding? Any particular tips or tricks?

I was thinking it will probably be the easiest to connect it at the switch rather than at the board or possibly at the jack?
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Re: Shielded Wire

From what I understand you can basically ground the shield wherever it's most convinient but it's best to only attach the shield to ground at one end to avoid potential ground loops
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Re: Shielded Wire

Yeah, I figured as much.

I think perhaps it's common practice to do it at the jack.
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Re: Shielded Wire

It's usually more convinient to do it at the jack. You could also get a dual core shielded wire and have only one shield for both the input and output to cut down on ground connections
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Re: Shielded Wire

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In reply to this post by inefficiency
" You could also get a dual core shielded wire and have only one shield for both the input and output to cut down on ground connections."

 That's how I do it. I have tried using single core + ground, but I find twin core + ground easier, and it takes up less space.

A pic might help:

Look at the orange two core (blue/white + ground) shielded wire. I hook up one end to ground lug on the stomp switch (I use the centre pin - the ground wire is covered with black heat shrink). The other end of the ground wire is soldered to the ground lugs on both the input and output jack (not clearly visible on the pic though).

I know in theory it creates a ground loop, but so far it has not caused me any problems. My logic is that if I did not connect one end to the switch, I would need a separate ground wire to run between the switch and the jacks - so really what is the difference?

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Re: Shielded Wire

In that case you get away with it because the switch lug is only connected to ground through the shield. If there was any other ground connection to that point you'd be opening up possibilities for ground loops
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Re: Shielded Wire

In reply to this post by Beaker
By the way great looking build!
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Re: Shielded Wire

In reply to this post by Beaker
Nice. The stuff I have at the minute is only single-core, but I'll consider getting some dual-core.

Is it worth using it for the input and output from the board too? Or only from the jack to the switch?
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Re: Shielded Wire

"Is it worth using it for the input and output from the board too?"

I don't. I have tried to a couple of times, but find it too cumbersome. It might be easier with single core like you have though. If you look again at my photo, the board input and output wires are hidden underneath the orange shielded wire.

This helps keep it reasonably neat, but also means that those wires are in a "Faraday's Sandwich" between the orange wire's ground line, and the enclosure.
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Re: Shielded Wire

Lately I've used shielded wire of the pedal input wire to also make a connection to the 3PDT switch. From there I've also used the shielded wire of the board input wire to make a ground connection from the board to the switch as well. The shielded wire of the pedal output is not connected to the switch but grounded to the output jack. Which in turn is connected to the ground connection of the input jack.

I wonder though, am I doing it right or not?
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Re: Shielded Wire

In reply to this post by Beaker
hahaha, a "faraday's sandwich".

I'm actually going to be putting an effect into a wooden box soon and I'm wondering if shielding all the wires will be good enough or if I'll need to cover the insides with that foil stuff they put in guitar cavities.

Probably both
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Re: Shielded Wire

Line it with copper chicken wire.  Not only will it make a nice faraday cage, but it'll also go great with the wood motif!  :P