Shin Ei ER-23 Echo Reverb Master

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Shin Ei ER-23 Echo Reverb Master

I understand this unit could be a bit of a toss up against the suggested forum request guidelines... But I just have to ask.  

All the samples I've heard of this thing sound wonderful.  Has a creamy, grittiness to it I feel reverbs should have.  Schematics are available.  It appears it could be modified/simplified if necessary.  Ive seen other SS spring units floating around the diy community, but not much buzz or reassuring builds.  If anyone feels up to taking this on, I would be greatly appreciative!  Thanks!

Also, this is my first post to this site.  I've been lurking here a few months and built several effects with great success.  Thanks to those contributing here, making this place what it is.  This site rules!
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Re: Shin Ei ER-23 Echo Reverb Master

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Re: Shin Ei ER-23 Echo Reverb Master

This would be a nice addition!!!!
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Re: Shin Ei ER-23 Echo Reverb Master

In reply to this post by Robertbear
WOW this would be an amazing addition to the collection..
My vero skills are burgeoning but not quite at the point where I could tackle this atm... gonna keep chugging and see if I can beat you guys to the punch