Show your test boxes

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Re: Show your test boxes

Sensei Tim
Just over 2 years later I finally finished my “new” test box.

Previously I had the usual test box? But then a separate power supply and a separate function generator.

I had a 1590X enclosure kicking around that I ordered by accident (too tall!) that I used as a guinea pig for swirling. Perfect!

I basically leave this plugged in all the time.  I can choose from a 1khz sine wave or my guitar as the signal. There is a voltage selector that uses madneas road rage PCB.

Finally, I have 1/4” send and returns or I can use posts with alligator clips or an audio probe (in retrospect I could have dropped the probe binding post and used the effect return. Ah well)  the jack are switching so when nothing is plugged in the signal come from the binding posts. When you plug in it disconnects the binding post.  The enclosure is big enough that it’s not getting dragged off th table by a guitar  cable or anything.

Makes it almost a joy to use ;)