Signal/Ground question

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Signal/Ground question

So, I have built an EHX Bassballs, and in the testing progress I've bumped on something I haven't seen before.
I connected the vero to my test box, hoping for that first-time-working magic but instead I got no sound at all. (no surprise there...)
I was making sure my test box works before I blame the circuit, so with no wires attached I touch the "output" and buzz came out of the speaker as intended. When I connected the circuit output though, no buzzing occurred, even by sticking the screwdriver in the connection. Generally no sound no matter what I touch on the board...  
Does that mean my "signal" wire is grounded?

Also, while I'm here, it's the first time I use film capacitors. Is there something I may have overlooked about those and may be causing the problem?

I didn't felt this was a "debuging forum" post because: I've checked the board by eye, I've checked it by comparing an opaque pic with the layout, I've checked row by row for connections, I've measured Ic and tranzistor voltages (they seem right compared to the ones found in the bassballs' page)...

The real question is how is it possible to connect anything to the speaker and when touching it stays dead quiet.
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Re: Signal/Ground question

From my perspective, this certainly looks like a debugging post. I'm guessing build or wiring problem.

We can't diagnose anything without more information: post photos of board and wiring, voltages, etc.

Finding where the signal dies with a signal probe wouldn't be a bad idea either.
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Re: Signal/Ground question

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by Zanius
hi there Zanius! Savvas here.from thessalonikh.
if your test box does work,(i guess you've tested it with other boards too), i think we should start debugging with photos and voltages of your bassballs.
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Re: Signal/Ground question

Hey guys, thanks!

I'll give it another go after some cleaning and re-wiring and if I still fail, I'll make a debugging topic.
It just surprised me there was no buzz on touching, that's all.

Hey Savvas, Giannis here from alexandroupoli ;)